KreemaCraft Network has updated to 1.19.4 (1.19+ accessible)


KreemaCraft Network has always used Minecraft 1.12.2 for its servers, known to be one of the most stable versions with extensive plugin support. Since the release of Minecraft 1.18, major changes to height limits and new blocks however gave rise to heated discussion on the possibilities of a server upgrade. Eventually, KreemaCraft Network Chairman Terry Sze initiated server upgrade on Jul 23, for which the server is fully upgraded to 1.19.4 on the next day. Here quotes Chairman Sze's press release on the upgrade completion:

KCN 已完成伺服器版本更新至 1.19.4 


KCN 技術及營運部已按先前計劃,於今日(七月二十四日)進行伺服器軟件升級工程,將伺服器版本提升至較新的 1.19.4 版。現時玩家可以使用較新的 1.19.4 版進入伺服器如常遊玩,並享用新增的方塊於伺服器內建築。 發言人說:「本伺服器於過去5年來一直使用 1.12.2 作為遊戲版本,該版本於維持伺服器穩定性頗具優勢。然而,經歷多年發展,新版本對各插件和相關軟體的支援已非常完善。很多插件亦已陸續中斷對舊版的支援,使版本提升具逼切性。本部門亦事先進行了大量準備工夫,包括較早前的伺服器轉移,從硬體方面為更新作準備。」 發言人指出,雖然大部分功能已順利過渡至新版本,玩家遊玩體驗不會受到影響,然而有少量插件因兼容性問題依然需時修復。為避免影響伺服器運作,於夜城聯邦國使用的 MineStile 車費系統亦已暫時中斷。本部門會與該國開發人員保持溝通,待相關升級工序完成後則可恢復使用。 發言人提醒公眾,由於地圖內區塊會於載入時才轉換為新版區塊,載入舊區塊會比過往需要更多時間,玩家應保持耐心,切勿以過高速度於伺服器內飛行。 

完 2023年7月24日(星期一) 澳州東岸時間20時07分 

1.19.4 Server Upgrade Works have been completed 


The Technical and Operations department of KreemaCraft Network has finalised all server software upgrade works today (24 July) as planned. The version of this server has been upgraded to the newer v. 1.19.4. All players may now enter the server and play as usual, using version 1.19.4, and build using the new blocks added as part of the upgrade. The spokesperson has said, "Previously over the past 5 years, 1.12.2 has been the version adopted by the server in favour if its stability. However, over many years of development, the newer versions now offer a comparable degree of support to plugins and related software. Multiple plugins have also discontinued support for legacy versions, demonstrating the urgency of this upgrade. The department has also carried out extensive preparation work, including the hosting provider change earlier on, to prepare the server hardware for this upgrade." The spokesperson points out that while most functions have transitioned into the new server, and player experience should not be impacted as a result of the upgrade, some plugins will still need to be fixed due to compatibility reasons. The MineStile fare system, used in the States of Night Town, has also been suspended to avoid disruption to the server operation. The department endeavours to maintain an active dialogue with the developers and will resume such functionality once upgrade works have been finalised. The spokesperson reminds the public to be patient and avoid flying in the server at an excessive speed. This is due to the conversion of old chunks into newer chunks done only when they are loaded, resulting in a longer time to load up old chunks. 

Ends/Monday, July 24, 2023 Issued at AEST 20:07